Deck Timelord

Créé par Graftodt le 26 juin 2012
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal


Lord of time.


Al-Muntathir, God's Witness
Al-Muntathir, God's Witness
Al-Muntathir, God's Witness
Al-Muntathir, God's Witness
Lydia, Grand Praetor
Lydia, Grand Praetor
Lydia, Grand Praetor
Lydia, Grand Praetor
Mikael Birkholm
Mikael Birkholm
Mikael Birkholm
Mikael Birkholm


Legal Manipulations
Legal Manipulations
Legal Manipulations
Legal Manipulations
Legal Manipulations
Legal Manipulations
Legal Manipulations
Path of the Scorched Heart, The
Summon History
Summon History
Summon History
Summon History
Frozen Object
Cheat the Fates
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Freak Drive
Pocket Out of Time
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Domain of Evernight
Recurring Contemplation
Recurring Contemplation
Recurring Contemplation
Tangle Atropos' Hand
Tangle Atropos' Hand
Tangle Atropos' Hand
Tangle Atropos' Hand
Quicksilver Contemplation
Quicksilver Contemplation
Quicksilver Contemplation
Hall of Hades' Court
Hall of Hades' Court
Remnant of the Endless Storm
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Outside the Hourglass
Heart of Nizchetus
Bowl of Convergence
Ankara Citadel, Turkey, The
Tabriz Assembly
Sudden Reversal
Giant's Blood
Rewind Time
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Internal Recursion
Internal Recursion
Telepathic Misdirection
Telepathic Misdirection
Telepathic Misdirection
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive


Il y a 83 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 14
Action Modifier 25
Action Modifier/Reaction 5
Ally 2
Combat 10
Equipment 4
Master 7
Reaction 16

Exemple de main :

Legal Manipulations
Quicksilver Contemplation
Legal Manipulations
Freak Drive
Pocket Out of Time
Eyes of Argus

Exemple de crypte :

Lydia, Grand Praetor
Mikael Birkholm
Al-Muntathir, God's Witness
Lydia, Grand Praetor
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