Deck saulot

Créé par sosovic le 16 mars 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal



Lana Butcher
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
Solomon Batanea
Neighbor John
Neighbor John


Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Biothaumaturgic Experiment
Enkil Cog
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Hidden Strength
Unflinching Persistence
Unflinching Persistence
Unflinching Persistence
Unflinching Persistence
Target Vitals
Target Vitals
Target Vitals
Target Vitals
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Anesthetic Touch
Ivory Bow
Kevlar Vest
Light Intensifying Goggles
Bowl of Convergence
Heart of Nizchetus
Sport Bike
Sight Beyond Sight
Smiling Jack, The Anarch
Rack, The
Rack, The
Powerbase: Montreal
Powerbase: Montreal
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Wider View
Wider View
Dreams of the Sphinx
Dreams of the Sphinx
Metro Underground
Giant's Blood
Fear of Mekhet
Erciyes Fragments, The
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Telepathic Misdirection
Telepathic Misdirection
Telepathic Misdirection
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
My Enemy's Enemy
My Enemy's Enemy
My Enemy's Enemy
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 5
Action Modifier 3
Combat 24
Equipment 6
Master 18
Reaction 34

Exemple de main :

Anesthetic Touch
Hidden Strength
Wider View
Forced Awakening
Eyes of Argus
Anesthetic Touch
Hidden Strength

Exemple de crypte :

Lana Butcher
Saulot, The Wanderer
Saulot, The Wanderer
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