Deck rrrr

Créé par cedricc le 5 mars 2014
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal



Anka, Priestess of Thorns
Vedel Esbreno
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk
Sennuwy, The Promoter
Lázár Dobrescu
Salbatore Bokkengro
Sasha Miklos
Sasha Miklos


Aranthebes, The Immortal
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Mozambique Allure
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Eldest Are Kholo, The
Shilmulo Tarot
Uncoiling, The
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Ravnos Carnival
Life Boon
Gird Minions
Fortune Teller Shop
Coven, The
Week of Nightmares
Week of Nightmares
Domain Challenge
Consanguineous Condemnation
Rumors of Gehenna
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Autarkis Persecution


Il y a 64 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 29
Action Modifier/Reaction 9
Equipment 1
Event 1
Master 14
Political Action 10

Exemple de main :

Eldest Are Kholo, The
Embrace, The
Week of Nightmares
Mozambique Allure
Domain Challenge
Mozambique Allure
Fortune Teller Shop

Exemple de crypte :

Lázár Dobrescu
Anka, Priestess of Thorns
Sennuwy, The Promoter
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