Deck [73] Carna (Tremere cept/fight)

Carna, The Princess Witch
Créé par zinzinboss le 29 octobre 2019
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

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Ce deck est légal


Crypte (12)
1 Martin Franckel1 Martin Franckel
1 Hannigan1 Hannigan
1 Masika St. John1 Masika St. John
1 Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet1 Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet
1 Aisling Sturbridge1 Aisling Sturbridge
1 Almiro Suarez1 Almiro Suarez
4 Carna, The Princess Witch4 Carna, The Princess Witch
1 Selena1 Selena
1 Blythe Candeleria1 Blythe Candeleria
Action (8)
3 Govern the Unaligned3 Govern the Unaligned
3 Magic of the Smith3 Magic of the Smith
2 Nose of the Hound2 Nose of the Hound
Action Modifier (9)
3 Mirror Walk3 Mirror Walk
2 Foreshadowing Destruction2 Foreshadowing Destruction
1 Bonding1 Bonding
3 Conditioning3 Conditioning
Ally (2)
2 Ponticulus2 Ponticulus
Combat (30)
2 Aura Reading2 Aura Reading
3 Blood Fury3 Blood Fury
7 Apportation7 Apportation
9 Theft of Vitae9 Theft of Vitae
2 Walk of Flame2 Walk of Flame
2 Rego Motus2 Rego Motus
4 Telepathic Tracking4 Telepathic Tracking
1 Burst of Sunlight1 Burst of Sunlight
Equipment (4)
1 Talbot's Chainsaw1 Talbot's Chainsaw
1 Sniper Rifle1 Sniper Rifle
1 Ivory Bow1 Ivory Bow
1 Bowl of Convergence1 Bowl of Convergence
Master (18)
1 Powerbase: Montreal1 Powerbase: Montreal
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
4 Vessel4 Vessel
1 Rack, The1 Rack, The
1 Chantry1 Chantry
2 Direct Intervention2 Direct Intervention
2 Blood Doll2 Blood Doll
1 Arcane Library1 Arcane Library
1 Fragment of the Book of Nod1 Fragment of the Book of Nod
1 From a Sinking Ship1 From a Sinking Ship
3 Life Boon3 Life Boon
Reaction (19)
2 Forced Awakening2 Forced Awakening
4 Eyes of Argus4 Eyes of Argus
2 Telepathic Misdirection2 Telepathic Misdirection
2 Enhanced Senses2 Enhanced Senses
3 Eagle's Sight3 Eagle's Sight
3 On the Qui Vive3 On the Qui Vive
3 My Enemy's Enemy3 My Enemy's Enemy




Martin Franckel
Masika St. John
Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet
Aisling Sturbridge
Almiro Suarez
Carna, The Princess Witch
Carna, The Princess Witch
Carna, The Princess Witch
Carna, The Princess Witch
Blythe Candeleria


Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Govern the Unaligned
Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Magic of the Smith
Nose of the Hound
Nose of the Hound
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Mirror Walk
Foreshadowing Destruction
Foreshadowing Destruction
Aura Reading
Aura Reading
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Theft of Vitae
Walk of Flame
Walk of Flame
Rego Motus
Rego Motus
Telepathic Tracking
Telepathic Tracking
Telepathic Tracking
Telepathic Tracking
Burst of Sunlight
Talbot's Chainsaw
Sniper Rifle
Ivory Bow
Bowl of Convergence
Powerbase: Montreal
Pentex(TM) Subversion
Rack, The
Direct Intervention
Direct Intervention
Blood Doll
Blood Doll
Arcane Library
Fragment of the Book of Nod
From a Sinking Ship
Life Boon
Life Boon
Life Boon
Forced Awakening
Forced Awakening
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Eyes of Argus
Telepathic Misdirection
Telepathic Misdirection
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Senses
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
Eagle's Sight
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
On the Qui Vive
My Enemy's Enemy
My Enemy's Enemy
My Enemy's Enemy


Il y a 90 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 8
Action Modifier 9
Ally 2
Combat 30
Equipment 4
Master 18
Reaction 19

Exemple de main :

Sniper Rifle
Eagle's Sight
Life Boon
Magic of the Smith
Direct Intervention

Exemple de crypte :

Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet
Almiro Suarez
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