Deck [71] Palla (!Toreador swarm bleed)

Palla Grande
Créé par zinzinboss le 29 octobre 2019
• Categorie : Deck Vampire

• Balise à copier sur le forum :

Ce deck est légal


Crypte (12)
1 Victor Revell, Loyalist1 Victor Revell, Loyalist
1 Sabrina1 Sabrina
1 Remilliard, Devout Crusader1 Remilliard, Devout Crusader
1 Nicholas Chang1 Nicholas Chang
1 Mercy, Knight Inquisitor1 Mercy, Knight Inquisitor
1 Lolita1 Lolita
2 Jost Werner2 Jost Werner
1 Cristos Mantigo1 Cristos Mantigo
1 Creamy Jade1 Creamy Jade
1 Carter1 Carter
1 Anarch Convert1 Anarch Convert
Action (12)
12 Embrace, The12 Embrace, The
Action Modifier (2)
2 Change of Target2 Change of Target
Ally (2)
1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1 Alia, God's Messenger1 Alia, God's Messenger
Equipment (1)
1 Heart of Nizchetus1 Heart of Nizchetus
Event (5)
1 Break the Code1 Break the Code
1 Slow Withering, The1 Slow Withering, The
2 Anthelios, The Red Star2 Anthelios, The Red Star
1 Fall of the Camarilla1 Fall of the Camarilla
Master (25)
4 Parthenon, The4 Parthenon, The
2 Palla Grande2 Palla Grande
1 Hungry Coyote, The1 Hungry Coyote, The
1 Heidelberg Castle, Germany1 Heidelberg Castle, Germany
4 Foundation Exhibit4 Foundation Exhibit
1 Fortschritt Library1 Fortschritt Library
2 Visit from the Capuchin2 Visit from the Capuchin
2 Dreams of the Sphinx2 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Archon Investigation1 Archon Investigation
1 Coven, The1 Coven, The
6 Ashur Tablets6 Ashur Tablets
Political Action (15)
1 Rumors of Gehenna1 Rumors of Gehenna
10 Consanguineous Boon10 Consanguineous Boon
2 Neonate Breach2 Neonate Breach
1 Kine Resources Contested1 Kine Resources Contested
1 Domain Challenge1 Domain Challenge
Reaction (3)
1 On the Qui Vive1 On the Qui Vive
1 My Enemy's Enemy1 My Enemy's Enemy
1 Eyes of Argus1 Eyes of Argus




Victor Revell, Loyalist
Remilliard, Devout Crusader
Nicholas Chang
Mercy, Knight Inquisitor
Jost Werner
Jost Werner
Cristos Mantigo
Creamy Jade
Anarch Convert


Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Embrace, The
Change of Target
Change of Target
Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Alia, God's Messenger
Heart of Nizchetus
Break the Code
Slow Withering, The
Anthelios, The Red Star
Anthelios, The Red Star
Fall of the Camarilla
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Parthenon, The
Palla Grande
Palla Grande
Hungry Coyote, The
Heidelberg Castle, Germany
Foundation Exhibit
Foundation Exhibit
Foundation Exhibit
Foundation Exhibit
Fortschritt Library
Visit from the Capuchin
Visit from the Capuchin
Dreams of the Sphinx
Dreams of the Sphinx
Archon Investigation
Coven, The
Ashur Tablets
Ashur Tablets
Ashur Tablets
Ashur Tablets
Ashur Tablets
Ashur Tablets
Rumors of Gehenna
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Consanguineous Boon
Neonate Breach
Neonate Breach
Kine Resources Contested
Domain Challenge
On the Qui Vive
My Enemy's Enemy
Eyes of Argus


Il y a 65 cartes dans la piocheet 12 cartes dans la crypte
Répartition des Cartes
Type NB
Action 12
Action Modifier 2
Ally 2
Equipment 1
Event 5
Master 25
Political Action 15
Reaction 3

Exemple de main :

My Enemy's Enemy
Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Neonate Breach
Consanguineous Boon
Change of Target
Consanguineous Boon
Embrace, The

Exemple de crypte :

Nicholas Chang
Mercy, Knight Inquisitor
Jost Werner
Faire un nouveau tirage