Toutes les Éditions

Art's Traumatic Essence Art's Traumatic Essence

Actionmel aus

Balise à copier sur le forum :

Edition : Bloodlines
Rareté : R1

+1 stealth action.
Tap any untapped minion.
Tap any untapped minion, and that minion burns 1 blood or life.
Put this card on any ready untapped minion and tap that minion. The minion with this card burns 1 additional blood or life each time he or she attempts to take an action or block. During his or her master phase, the controller of the minion with this card may tap this minion and burn a pool to burn this card. A minion may have only one Art's Traumatic Essence.

Artiste : Brian LeBlanc

Cote de la carte

  • Cote Arpenteurs : indisponible
  • 7 decks jouent cette carte.

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