Toutes les Éditions

Black Hand BH4082 R

Watchtower: Greatest Fall Watchtower: Greatest Fall

Political Action1

Balise à copier sur le forum :

Edition : Black Hand
Rareté : R
Prérequis : seraph

{Requires a} Seraph. Watchtower.
In this referendum, each ready Seraph gets 2 additional votes. If this referendum is successful, put this card in play. Tap this card to move 1 blood from the blood bank to a Sabbat vampire in your ready region or your uncontrolled region (not usable during combat). Burn this card if another watchtower enters play.

Artiste : Chet Masterz

Cote de la carte

  • Cote Arpenteurs : indisponible
  • 2 decks jouent cette carte.

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