Toutes les Éditions

Black Hand BH3036 R

Last Stand Last Stand


Balise à copier sur le forum :

Edition : Black Hand
Rareté : R

Unique master.
Put this card in play. When any other Methuselah is ousted, the current turn ends, and this card is burned. The predator of the ousted Methuselah (if more than one was ousted, go clockwise from the left of the Methuselah whose turn just ended) takes the next turn.

There may come a day when I'll dance on your grave / Unable to dance I'll still crawl across it
The Grateful Dead, "Hell in a Bucket."

Artiste : Peter Bergting

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  • Cote Arpenteurs : indisponible
  • 13 decks jouent cette carte.

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