Toutes les Éditions

Anarchs Anarchs2692 R/PAB

Fee Stake: New York Fee Stake: New York


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Edition : Anarchs
Rareté : R/PAB
Prérequis : anarch,capacity above 4

Requires a ready anarch with capacity above 4. +1 stealth action. {Title.}
{Put this card on the acting anarch to represent the unique anarch title of Baron of New York}. This may lead to a contested title. If this anarch is Brujah or Brujah antitribu, he or she gets 1 additional vote in referendums he or she calls. Any vampire can call a referendum to burn this card as a +1 stealth political action. In that referendum, non-anarch titles are worth 1 fewer votes.

Artiste : Brian LeBlanc; Steve Ellis

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  • Cote Arpenteurs : indisponible
  • 33 decks jouent cette carte.

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