Toutes les Éditions

Twilight Rebellion TR2169 R

Blade Clot Blade Clot

Action ModifierCombat

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Edition : Twilight Rebellion
Rareté : R
Prérequis : anarch

Requires an anarch.
Only usable when this anarch diablerizes a vampire with capacity 7 or more. Put this card in play with 3 clot counters. When an anarch you control inflicts hand or melee weapon damage, you may move a clot counter from this card to the opposing minion. A minion with a clot counter goes to torpor or is burned during his or her untap phase. If an older vampire rescues the vampire, burn the clot counter.

Artiste : Heather Kreiter

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  • Cote Arpenteurs : indisponible
  • 9 decks jouent cette carte.

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